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Mission: The Mission of the Carlynton School District is to provide a challenging educational program for all students within a safe, nurturing environment which will enable them to function as productive, ethical and responsible global citizens.  

Vision: The Carlynton School District will inspire a passion for learning, a commitment to excellence, and a respect for the diversity of individuals as we prepare our students for the demands of a changing global society.  

Educational Values:
Students: Students assume a vital role in the District's ability to attain the mission and the vision.  Students must respect learning through active participation and a scholarly approach.  Students must respect school property issued to support learning activities and facilities that enhance learning in both curricular and extracurricular activities.  Students must respect themselves through healthy lifestyles and respect the needs and differences of others. Students must respect safety to ensure all students have access to all available services.  

Staff: All members of the staff must recognize that instruction must be engaging, challenging, purposeful and relevant and be able to employ best practices to nurture a culture conducive to student learning and continuous professional growth.  Staff members must utilize a variety of assessment data to assist in driving instructional decisions.  Through the recognize and belief that students can be successful learners, all staff must be diligent in creating appropriate and supportive environments.  Staff must recognize that growth and achievement take place not only in the academic arena but also in social, physical and emotional contexts.  Collectively the staff must contribute to creating a safe environments where all students can take intellectual risks.  

Administrators: School District administrators must embrace decision making models that are aligned to the Mission, Vision and Strategic Goals with Financial Stewardship.  Administrators must contribute and use supervisory positions to ensure that learning and workplace environments are safe and conducive to learning and work flow.  Administrators must communicate effectively to all stakeholders and manage conflict in a manner that is constructive and respectful while listening and effectively responding to concerns.  School officials must maintain high expectations for students growth and provide effective resources, facilities, and support for instruction and learning.  School administrators must regularly examine and support a curriculum that is engaging, relevant, and accessible to all students.

Parents: Parent involvement and active engagement in their child's education is inherently connected to the success of the District successfully attaining the mission and vision.  Parents must encourage and support all students in their pursuit and participation in academics, arts, activities, and athletics.  Parents must provide feedback to appropriate school personnel and share concerns to promote positive change and institutional growth.  Parents must have opportunities to build productive partnerships through community engagement.  

Community: Community members must feel as welcomed partners while contributing to the successful attainment of the mission and vision of the school district.  Community members must be provided with opportunities to work in unison with the school district to accomplish goals.  Community members must support and encourage the general wellbeing of all students in their pursuit of academics, arts, activities, and athletics.  Community members must provide feedback to appropriate school personnel and share concerns to promote positive change and institutional growth.  Community members must have opportunities to build productive partnerships through community engagement.