On June 21, 2022, the Carlynton School District Board of School Directors adopted a final budget for the 2022-2023 fiscal year in the amount of $34,364,610. The Final budget can be viewed by CLICKING HERE.
Resolution No. 2022-01 was approved establishing the millage for real estate taxation for the 2022-2023 fiscal year as follows: Resolved that the Carlynton School District does hereby levy and assess the real estate tax for the fiscal year for all taxable property in the District for the Boroughs of Carnegie, Crafton and Rosslyn Farms at 26.7432 mills or $2.67432 on each one hundred dollars ($100) of the assessed valuation on all property for school purposes and all other tax rates remain unchanged.
Resolution No. 2022-02 was approved to accept the funds made available through Act 1, the Homestead/Farmstead Tax Relief Act. Qualified homeowners within the District will realize a savings of approximately $221.46