Awards and Honors
Carlynton School District Awards and Honors
Highmark Foundation is pleased to announce that Carlynton Junior-Senior High School has been selected to receive a grant in the amount of $3750 through the Highmark Foundation School Grants program.
Carlynton School District Awards and Honors
Congratulations Crafton Elementary on being accepted as a full partner school for The Education Partnership's 2024-2025 program year! |
Congratulations Crafton Elementary!! Pennsylvania Positive Behavior Support (PAPBS) Network, has announced that Crafton Elementary School met criteria for implementing School-Wide (SW PBIS) or Program-Wide (PW PBIS) Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports with fidelity at Tier 1 Initial during the 2021-2022 school year. Congratulations to Crafton Elementary for continuing to meet the criteria for implementing School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports with Fidelity. This year they will receive Tier 1 Sustaining recognition for their work during the 2022-2023 school year. We are excited to announce that Crafton Elementary continued to meet the criteria for implementing School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. They will receive a Tier 1 Sustaining Recognition for their work during the 2023-2024 school year. |
Most Valuable Principal Crafton Elementary Principal Marsha Burleson was awarded the Penguins Most Valuable Principal. This program, highlighting the amazing work done over this past year, recognizes principals who demonstrate an innovative approach to learning, a continuous strive for excellence and a passion for their school and students. |
Amazon Future Engineer with Project Stem
The STEAM facilitator and sixth grade teachers at Crafton Elementary School are participating in the esteemed Amazon Future Engineer program in partnership with Project STEM. The computer science programming opportunities will afford students the chance to work with coding and animation.
Elementary School Named to PBS Network
Crafton Elementary School has been recognized as a member of the Pennsylvania Positive Behavior Support network for the 2020-2021 school year. The recognition comes on the heels of the school’s commitment to developing the whole child by removing non-academic barriers to learning and helping all students achieve important social and academic goals.
One-to-One Computers The Carlynton School District provides one computer device to every student, giving teachers and learners greater flexibility with instruction resources. Student can work online simultaneous in class or remotely, with the capability to work collaboratively on a project that is hosted in the cloud. One-to-One programming allows teachers to use interactive, technology-assisted teaching strategies while making it easier for students to save their own work. |
Digital Promise Partnership
Crafton Elementary School joins 10 area elementary schools in the region by leveraging connections and engagement in maker learning. The program convenes educators and administrators who are committed to maker learning and aims to amplify its impact on student learning, achievement, and school climate by promoting sustainability and equity.
PTA School of Excellence
The Crafton Elementary School PTA received the prestigious PTA School of Excellence Award. The recognition promotes and celebrates partnerships between the PTA and the school which are designed to enrich the educational experience and overall well-being for all students.
Dynamic Learning Project
Carlynton Junior-Senior High School is one of 50 schools in the country to join the pilot year of the Dynamic Learning Project, a national program supported by Digital Promise, EdTechTeam and Google. The project is aimed at improving education equity by empowering teachers to leverage technology in more powerful ways. The Digital Promise will expand upon existing STEAM programs and technology infrastructure. Teacher Ryan Gevaudan will serve as coach within the district to support teachers as they access and leverage technology in transformative ways. Mr. Gevaudan and Principal Mike Loughren traveled to Google headquarters in Mountain View, CA this summer for extensive training.
World Language Award
The Carlynton High School World Language Department was awarded the coveted Golden Glove Award from the Pennsylvania State Modern Language Association Exemplary Program (PEP) for having an exemplary World Language Program in the state of Pennsylvania. Offering all levels of Spanish and French, the language department offers a dual-enrollment program for students to earn college credit while in high school. The award places the school's foreign language program among the top in the Commonwealth. In 2015, the department received the Bronze Award.
Remake Learning
Carlynton has been selected to collaborate with a regional group of university researchers from Carnegie Mellon University, school district leaders, teachers and technology partners as part of the CMU Learn Lab study. With support from the Grable Foundation, the expansion of the CMU Learn Lab to the Carlynton School District will enable collaborations between the university and the Montour and Cornell school districts. The CMU Learn Lab will introduce evidence-based education technologies into the classrooms with the goal of taking science and mathematics instruction to the next level. The partnership will provide a Research Fellow who will work closely with students to collaborate and help bridge the gap between research and classroom education.
Carnegie STEM Excellence Pathway Partner
Crafton Elementary was named a 2016-2017 Carnegie STEM Excellence Pathway Partner, a program collaborated through the Carnegie Science Center to provide professional development for teachers and learning opportunities for students. As a Pathway Partner, students at Crafton will benefit from an educational assembly and receive online tools to augment STEM learning during the school. The Crafton Elementary STEAM lab provides the ideal environment for students to imagine, create and learn.
Project Lead the Way
Carlynton Junior-Senior High School is among a select group of school districts in the area to collaborate in the Engineering-Project Lead the Way Consortium. The goal of this partnership is to provide mutual support for the enhancement of engineering programs and activities in the region and to build ancillary opportunities for students to develop problem-solving and innovative-thinking skills through the creation of an engaging, hands-on classroom environment. Students are empowered to develop in-demand knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in today’s demanding world. Project Lead the Way also provides opportunities for professional development and leadership training for teachers, offering the resources and support they need to engage students in real-world learning.
Common Sense Schools
Carnegie and Crafton elementary schools were selected as Common Sense Digital Citizenship Certified Schools. As preferred Common Sense schools, youngsters are better prepared to navigate the challenges that technology brings to the classroom. They will learn the tools to gain digital citizenship through a variety of online resources designed to define the manner in which students interact with technology. Through Common Sense programs, students will also be schooled in Internet safety, cyberbullying and digital foot printing.
Fluency Project with Create Lab
Carlynton Junior-Senior High School has teamed up with the Carnegie Mellon University Create Lab to gain skills in digital mapmaking by employing the Fluency Project. Digital mapmaking is the process by which a collection of data is compiled and formatted into a virtual image. English teachers Kristen Fischer and Wendy Steiner use the tools learned at the Create Lab to inspire students to become creators of data, rather than simply consumers. Teens are learning to use data to tell stories, creating an argument to defend the story and enacting social change. During time at the Create Lab, Fischer and Steiner were presented with various examples, both local and national, of student-led projects that accomplish this goal of advocacy. The support with CMU and the Fluency Project is ongoing. Fischer and Steiner are confident the continued contact and support will further propel and strengthen learning in the classroom.
STEAM Showcase
As an awardee of a STEAM grant last year, Carlynton Junior-Senior High School students can demonstrate the manner in which science, technology, engineering, the arts and mathematics has redefined how they learn in the classroom. In turn, student work was featured at the STEAM showcase sponsored by the Allegheny Intermediate Unit as individuals introduced several Dragon robots as well as a robotic golden retriever named Marvin. Marvin, made entirely of cardboard and duct tape, and painted a bright yellow, captured the attention of many as he interacted with individuals by barking, wagging its tail or shaking hands with its paw. The dog’s actions, controlled by Birdbrain Technologies Hummingbird duo microcontroller, included two ultrasonic range sensors to control responses, similar to the echolocation, or biological sonar, in a dolphin or a bat. The sensors pick up changes in light to cause reactions when approached.
Leader in Me
Carnegie Elementary School emboldens student independence and proactive behavior by following the Leader in Me model, a program that provides opportunities for students to develop their full potential. On a monthly basis, students adopt a healthy habit to envelope the principles of personal effectiveness, such as responsibility, integrity, teamwork and vision. The process teaches lessons for academic success by imparting skills for any setting, including goal setting, listening and speaking, self-directed learning, presentation-making and the ability to work in groups.
U.S. News and World Reports Best High School
In the Spring 2015 issue of U.S. News and World Reports, Carlynton Junior-Senior High School was ranked as a Top 100 High School in Pennsylvania. Based on enrollment, student-to-teacher ratio, proficiency scores on state assessment tests and the participation and achievement rate on advanced placement tests, the school placed 54th out of 673 public, charter and magnet high schools in the Commonwealth, placing it in the top eight percent.
Tri-State Area Study Council's Distinguished School Board The Carlynton Board of Education received the Tri-State Area School Study Council D. Richard Wynn Distinguished School Boards Award. This honor recognizes the hard work of School Boards, placing the winners in the highest tier of educational administration. The Carlynton School District Board of Education maintains a mutual respect and professionalism while creating a climate where obstacles become opportunities for district growth. The Board focuses on educating the whole student while preparing them to be successful members of the community. |